Macroduct® Sweat Collection System from ELITechGroup, consists of standardized sweat tests for the laboratory diagnosis of cystic fibrosis.
The Macroduct system is the Webster Sweat Inducer and the Macroduct Sweat Collector, together they have revolutionized laboratory sweat testing for cystic fibrosis and brought early intervention to thousands of CF patients around the world. The heart of this system is simplicity, Gibson and Cooke’s 1959 pad absorption method, which introduced pilocarpine iontophoresis for sweat stimulation, is generally considered the gold standard for sweat testing. Although generally free of intrinsic errors, the method is long, tedious, requires great technical skill to administer, and therefore invites human error.
The Macroduct system has forever eliminated the errors inherent in all previously used methods and offers an easily and standardized test, the Webster Sweat Inducer and Macroduct Sweat Collector produce a pure sample of eccrine secretion for analysis using chloride analysis with a chloridometer or total electrolyte analysis with the Sweat-Chek analyzer. These instruments provide simple and accurate sample analysis, together with the Macroduct sweat collection system, they have become the global standard, used by thousands of laboratories around the world.
Macroduct is approved for sweat stimulation and collection by the US Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.